The RivrDoge Team would like to open this article with an apology. We’ve been working hard on the project, but became sidetracked last night. The opportunity to take over KusaDoge was presented and the Team had to wrestle with the best way to deal with this situation for ourselves and the community. The short answer is that we are following our dream for RivrDoge. More explanation below, but first:
RivrDoge Single-Staking Pool at MoonFarm!
You can usually find RivrDoge at the beach (just kidding! you know he’s in the rivr), but the RivrDoge Team would like to invite everyone to the RivrDoge Pool Party at MoonFarm. This single-staking pool is paying a high APR, which seems to be getting everyday with the price of MOON. The pool is also single-sided, which will keep your pups safe from IL.
Anyone interested in helping the RivrDoge community, consider this a call to action to ask your favorite DEX to host an incentivized liquidity pool farm next, as that is key to the next steps for any RivrDoge plans. Not that we have any plans.
The KusaDoge Kusanundrum
Projects fade away all the time. RivrDoge set out to displace KusaDoge. So what’s the problem? Doge is always about community, so the RivrDoge Team was put in the awkward situation of being given control of KusaDoge (and the kdoge TG), but not wanting it.
We set out to build RivrDoge, so we knew we didn’t want KusaDoge, but the RivrDoge Team had to wrestle with whether there was anything we could do for the community. We decided not to take control for two main reasons:
- Based on our limited review of the deployed KusaDoge code, it appears that the reason the KusaDoge dev has been unable to renounce or transfer ownership is because the contract was already transferred; and
- There was no way for the RivrDoge Team to devote any time to helping wind down or maintain KusaDoge without diverted much-needed energy away from RivrDoge and we’d look like the “baddies” in the process.
As such, we’d like to remind everyone that the RivrDoge marketcap is still quite low, the total users on Moonriver is still scant, and “YoU aRe EaRlY bRo!” RivrMaid and The Captain would love to have you come not do much in our awesome community!
Useful Links
RivrDoge Smart Contract on MoonriverNW: 0x5D4360f1Be94bD6f182F09cFE5EF9832e65EB1ac