Who’s That RivrDoge?

3 min readOct 6, 2021


What’s in a name? That which we call a RivrDoge by any other name would smell as a wet doge.

But! Our RivrDoge needs a name and this is the community’s chance to help us name him/her!

Guess which side RivrMaid did?

To participate all you need to do is:

  • Follow @RivrDoge on Twitter;
  • Join @RivrDogeOfficial on Telegram;
  • RT the contest tweet tagging @RivrDoge and using #RivrDoge & $MOVR along with your Entry for RivrDoge’s name; and
  • No need to tag your friends, unless you think they enjoy fun, you’ll get no bonus for it (or will you? — see below)!

The Rules

The RivrDoge Team will select the TOP 4 names in our sole discretion. In the event of similar or same names being submitted, the RivrDoge Team will decide which individual receives the credit for that name in our SOLE DISCRETION, but we will prioritize whether or not the party submitting the name is an active member of the RivrDoge Community, with tie-breakers going to speed of submission.

After the Top 4 Names have been selected, it will be up to a Community Vote to decide the ULTIMATE WINNER!

Names will be accepted until Tuesday October 12, 2021 at 20:00 UTC. RivrDoge reserves the right to extend this deadline if deemed necessary in RivrDoge’s sole discretion.

I am serious!

No Drama, Sor!

Seriously, this is meant to be a fun process during which we will name our RivrDoge. Anyone complaining about the TOP 4 Selection, the speed with which they submitted, or in any way making this annoying will be disqualified in the RivrDoge Team’s sole discretion!


Me too, Pearl. Me too.

The Top 4 will EACH receive a WiseMovrs NFT from our great friends at Wisemovrs! The Wisemovrs crew have been using these NFTs for free mints on several interesting projects and did an amazing job assisting the RivrDoge Team with our Generative NFT project! There is still no NFT marketplace up, but these WiseMovrs NFTs have been trading OTC for a “floor price” around 0.5 MOVR!

The winner of the community vote for RivrDoge’s name will ALSO receive a prize of 100,000 RivrDoge Tokens!

The Bonus Rounds!

If, at the completion of the community vote (dates to be announced later), the following conditions are met, the community vote winner may receive the following bonuses, in the RivrDoge Team’s sole discretion:

  • This Medium Article has 100 “claps” and the RivrDoge Medium has 25 Followers (25,000 RivrDoge Tokens);
  • The Official RivrDoge Twitter account has 1,000 Followers (35,000 RivrDoge);
  • The Official RivrDoge Telegram channel has 1,000 Members (50,000 RivrDoge Tokens); and/or
  • The RivrMaid Generative NFT Project at RivrDogeMint.com has sold out (1 RivrMaid Generative NFT from the RivrDoge Team — which NFT you receive will be in the RivrDoge Team’s sole discretion)

Useful Links

Website: https://RivrDoge.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RivrDoge

Telegram: https://t.me/RivrDogeOfficial

RivrDoge Smart Contract on MoonriverNW: 0x5D4360f1Be94bD6f182F09cFE5EF9832e65EB1ac




Written by RivrDoge

The Second (And Only) Dogecoin That Knows It’s On MoonriverNW.

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